Company News and Updates

Every week we share out expertise on effective strategies and technics to help you reach customers and prospects across the entire web.

Google Working on Over-Optimization Penalty

The recent South by SouthWest Conference (SXSW) in Austin witnessed the disclosure of a new algorithm…
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It’s Official: Yahoo Appoints PayPal President Scott Thompson Its New CEO

On January 04, 2012, Yahoo! officially announced that PayPal President Scott Thompson will be Yahoo! new…
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Google Sitelinks expand

In their ongoing efforts to give better search results to users, Google is continuing to test…
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Google updates Panda internationally

In the last 4-6 months or so, Google has undertaken about 3-4 major updates in their…
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Has Google done away with News Archives section?

Google used to provide a Google News Archive section that is now accessible at Google Advance…
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Devendra Mishra