Is Your Website at Risk from Google Updates?

Google Updates


For many years, Google has periodically revised its core algorithm. Unlike the Panda and Penguin updates from a decade ago, these core updates lack specific recovery strategies, and Google has not disclosed them.


No website is immune to Google updates; fluctuations in rankings are a common occurrence. The current guidelines from Google are often vague and subjective—terms like “helpful content” and “better usability” are difficult to define and do not lend themselves to actionable strategies.


However, certain sites may experience more significant impacts than others. I’ve observed cases where sites that previously received thousands of clicks daily dropped to just ten.


Having analyzed hundreds of websites and their interactions with Google updates, I’ve identified the key factors that make sites particularly susceptible.


Overreliance on a Few Pages


If your website depends heavily on just two or three pages that rank for high-traffic keywords, it is likely to suffer from traffic loss.

Diversifying your ranking profile with long-tail keywords is essential. While long-tail queries may generate fewer clicks, losing rankings on a handful of them won’t significantly affect your overall search visibility.


To implement this strategy:


  • Expand beyond high-traffic keywords: My research shows that popular SEO tools identify only about one-third of ranking keywords.
  • Create content based on discussions from your audience: Focus on what your followers, readers, and customers are talking about instead of solely on keywords. Basing editorial decisions on keywords can lead to an unstable ranking profile.
  • Develop longer, descriptive titles, especially for product pages: This approach can help you rank for longer-tail queries.


Dated or Weak Backlink Profile


According to leaked documentation from Google’s algorithm, “link freshness” is a significant factor. SEO experts have long understood that maintaining rankings requires the acquisition of new backlinks.

Websites that were affected by last year’s “helpful content” updates generally had weaker backlink profiles than those that either maintained or improved their rankings, even when content themes and quality were similar.

While content quality, site speed, and user experience are important ranking factors, a robust backlink profile appears to be critical.


Insufficient Brand Signals


Last year, I discussed how to determine whether Google views a site as a brand. When analyzing sites that have experienced substantial traffic losses, I often find that the affected site lacks brand recognition.

Establishing a recognizable brand is challenging and takes time, but it is vital for achieving consistent search visibility. Here are some strategies for small to medium-sized businesses:


  • Partner with other recognized brands and nonprofits: Collaborating with established entities can significantly enhance your brand’s recognition.
  • Seek nominations for industry awards or speak at conferences: Associating with other recognized entities can be highly beneficial.
  • Invest in viral marketing and social media advertising: These efforts can boost branded search activity, which serves as a strong indicator to Google.

At Earn SEO, a local SEO company in New York, we understand the complexities of navigating Google updates and their impact on your website’s performance. Our team specializes in developing effective SEO strategies tailored to your unique needs, helping you enhance your online visibility and build a stronger brand presence. Connect with us to ensure your site remains resilient in the face of algorithm changes and stands out in the competitive digital landscape.

Earn SEO was established in 2011 by Devendra Mishra, a highly educated professional with varied training and experience. Mr. Mishra is responsible for business development, attracting new Earn SEO partners, and interacting with clients, the media and press, and acting as Brand Ambassador.

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