Amazing Dupes offers affordable alternatives to luxury bags, shoes, clothing, jewelry and watches. Customers can spruce up their style and personality with the best replicas in the market without breaking the bank. The lookalikes here are of premium quality so customers do not have to spend a big chunk to sport top brands. First copies of the hottest high-end brands namely Chanel, Goyard, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Celine and Bottega Veneta have been designed with exact designs and details but at a fraction of the original price.
Michael is the owner of Amazing Dupes and initially had own in-house team working on SEO. After 6 months, he realized that SEO was not his cup of tea since they saw very minimal success with the campaign. The traffic at the Amazing Dupes’ website was below average and their primary goal was to improve it. The company wanted to rank higher on search engines but it looked tough. The highly competitive and high traffic-generating keywords like ‘Bag Dupes’, ‘LV Dupes’, ‘Channel Dupe Bags’, ‘Dhgate Dupes’ and ‘Gucci Dupe Handbags’ needed a push-up. The in-house team was also unable to focus on the right search terms. The link-building was further not relevant to the niche. The site was also not well-optimized.
It was high time they looked for a reliable company to work towards gaining momentum in organic searches of Google & Bing. This is when they approached us at Earn SEO. Our team does not charge sky-high prices yet quality work is never compromised. We understand that each business is unique and has its set of budgetary limitations. This is the sole reason why Earn SEO can carry out industry-specific marketing campaigns at reasonable rates.
Our project managers did their initial analysis as usual and learnt that the website required search engine friendly structural elements. This included hierarchical navigation, site architecture and homepage navigation. The SEO is affected if they are not in proper shape. The website pages were static but they lacked keyword density and internal linking in the content. Client’s quick response in implementing our suggestions (like adding SEO friendly meta tags, rewriting content to include identified keywords, listing the website to authoritative directories, and adding informative articles) resulted in increase in the rankings.
A conversion rate optimization strategy was also in place. It helped turn traffic into prospects and leads into buyers. Our team has extensive training and knowledge in optimization to boost the overall conversation figures. The CRO services included multivariate testing, user testing, Google website optimizer, persuasive content writing, visitor analysis, A/B testing, advanced analytics reports and assessment results with monthly reports to stay updated.
Another factor that helped the website move up was link popularity development. Earn SEO team attained links from related industries to the website and improved its link reputation. It acts as a social proof that the brand is powerful and trustworthy. There is better awareness, recurring income, a sense of brand authority, online visibility and high relevancy of the website. All of this led to continued and sustained referral traffic, higher site metrics and ultimately fantastic revenue generation opportunities.
Currently Amazing Dupes’s website is ranked No. #1 for 50 top keywords in all search engines including Google and Bing. The maximum number of leads for their business are also from people that visit the website and enquire about their services. In Michael’s own words "Our Return on Investment (ROI) in terms of revenue vs. what we pay Earn SEO has been 2000%! I calculated it" So does he recommend Earn SEO to others? "Absolutely, except my competitors!" The organic traffic in the last six months has increased from 3000 to more than 52,000. No wonder the revenue has been so high because organic traffic comes from users who visit with an intent to purchase.
Increase in Organic Traffic
Number of Ranked Kewords
Return on Investment