Bags Heaven SEO Case Study

Bags Heaven is an online manufacturer and retailer of high quality replica designer bags. The exceptional high replica versions of designer handbags are manufactured in their own factory by expert craftsmen, who know how to carry out detailed work with perfection. The replica bags are authentic and true to the original. When you buy replica handbags from Bags Heaven, inspired by say Louis Vuitton, you'll get the LV dust bag, LV receipt, LV model and serial numbers, LV paperwork and LV hardware with it. The best part is that these handbags are available at just a fraction of the price of the original bags.

In its collection, Bags Heaven has replica handbags of brands such as Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Prada, Dior, Goyard, Bulgari, Balenciaga and many more. On buying from Bags Heaven, you are promised to get your replica handbag delivered to your doorstep within 6-8 days of placing the order, regardless of your destination. was a completely new website with less traffics
Website had 2-5 Organic Traffic per day's
 Started working to increase the visibility of the website online by 150%
Overall Traffics by network increased by 800%

Challenge is a completely new website. It has gained immense popularity as a leading provider of high quality replica handbags in a relatively short timeframe. A few months ago, they were facing an issue with selling replica handbags in the US. The reason was the federal trademark law, also known as the Lanham Act, according to which selling replica handbags is illegal.

Earn SEO was contacted by Michael from Bags Heaven to get their website optimized for search engines. They believed that if their search engine rankings improved, their business would get a significant boost. In fact, the owners were highly ambitious about their website featuring on the first page of Google's search results each time an internet surfer types Louis Vuitton (LV) Replica Bags, Gucci Replica Handbags or replica handbags of any other brand as a search query.


Our team of seasoned professionals conducted thorough research, which revealed that duplicate content on the internal pages of This was what was affecting the website's search rankings. Our SEO experts came up with the idea of using canonical tags to resolve the issue of duplicate content on multiple pages of the website. Canonical tag is a foolproof way to let search engines know that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. We updated the canonical tags on all the pages of the website.

As part of our commitment to help Bags Heaven rank higher on Google’s search results, we also created user-friendly content for the Homepage and internal pages. But that was not all. Our experts built high quality links to make their website more relevant than others in the results pages for a search query.


It didn't take us or Bags Heaven long to see the results. Our efforts to ensure more than 30 of the 60 targeted keywords appeared on the first page of Google’s search results paid off. In just 2-3 months, their search rankings started to improve. As a result, the website started getting a lot of traffic. The impact was instantly seen on their sales, which soared during that time.


Increase in Organic Traffic


Number of Ranked Kewords


Return on Investment