Maik Wiedenbach SEO Case Study

Maik Wiedenbach is a NASM, BSA and AFPA-certified celebrity fitness trainer in New York. He is a two-time World Cup and Olympic-level swimmer and offers exceptional training and nutritional services in Manhattan and East Hampton. Top-tier facilities are offered at his gym that involve growth, toning, weight loss, rehabilitation, core strength and aerobic fitness. Clients get individualized workout and diet plans and 24/7 email support. His main targets are busy corporate travelers and professionals with long work hours.

Maik has authored countless books and provides tools to anyone who needs guidance in reaching their personal body goals. He is highly dedicated and knowledgeable and always makes the transformation comfortable and enjoyable for clients.
.The traffic at the Maik Wiedenbach website was below average. 
Website Traffic Reduced by 110%.
 Started working to increase the visibility of the website online by 300%
Overall Traffics by network increased by 200%


Maik was absolutely clear about what wanted. He already had the target in his mind: to improve the rankings of competitive keywords like ‘Personal Trainer in New York’ ‘Personal Training NYC’ and shoot up the traffic. Steps like these are extremely necessary to speak to a particular set of audience, for instance, anyone who needs ‘personal’ training. It is an excellent strategy to tick off business goals like revenue. Focusing on certain keywords helps maximize reach to the local potential clients as well.

Maik needed some experts to help him achieve that. When Earn SEO was contacted, he first talked to us about his goal. Hence, we did not go in detail for further keyword research. The site design and structure were already SEO-friendly. The only exception was the tags were not. This on page element needed to be fixed since meta tags determine the engagement rate. The header tags help them wade through the content. They also categorize the information and ultimately aid in getting better displayed in SERPs. Tags must be crisp yet descriptive and clear enough to reduce hindrances in search rankings. Maik’s goal was clear. He aimed to achieve natural listings for primary keywords that would convert into paying customers.


The initial analysis that was carried out by the SEO team of Earn SEO helped identify the search engine parameters that were hampering the site’s ranking. This included a lack of content, no meta tags and low link popularity. These were improved by us since SEO content is essential to reach a high-intent audience, meta tags impact how the site appears on the search engine page and backlinks make a page authoritative. Else, one might end up seeing lots of irrelevant and low-quality traffic.

After the initial review, the SEO team at Earn SEO pointed few one-way backlinks and created persuasive web content and effective meta tags. All were well-matched with the search engine requirements. Also, on-page optimization parameters were incorporated. White-label SEO services were seamlessly integrated with Maik’s brand that help maintain total control over the brand identity. Our conversation rate specialists have extensive knowledge when it comes to search engine optimization and PPC.

We have successfully boosted the conversion for multiple clients across various industries. We provide powerful, interactive and real-time insights on the SEO dashboard to keep you updated. In short, clients get a world of opportunities to deliver good results. The Earn SEO team offered the best solution suited for Maik’s website. Support was also provided 24x7 via chat, email and telephone whenever needed.


Keywords started moving up gradually. They were right on top within as less as just three months. Maik Wiedenbach was highly pleased with the way we worked and with the improvement that was visible in such a short period. The website traffic increased from 500 in August to 10,000 in September. With a solid strategy, the Earn SEO team has indeed turned traffic into leads and prospects into customers. Maik said that he will definitely recommend us to his peers to help them do better SEO-wise.


Increase in Organic Traffic


Number of Ranked Kewords


Return on Investment